Poem 5 ± November 5, 2016

Debora Lidov


1. Hospital Record

Patient is full-term baby born to HIV-positive mother. Per infectious disease team, Patient to be discharged home on oral AZT four times daily times six weeks. Note father is unaware of mother’s status or baby’s treatment protocol. Mother has trained in medication administration and verbalizes plan: Father to be told by mother that AZT is routine antibiotic or did she say vitamins. Mother refuses home-care nurse.


2. Staff in the Hall

The mother has a
House In Virginia.
The mother has a

Hat In Verona.
The mother has a
Honda In Vegas.


3. Staff Meeting

nurse: Don’t we have to tell the father?

lawyer: Does anyone know if we have to tell the father?

pediatrics director: This again? We never tell the father.

pediatric infectious disease: If we tell the father we risk losing everyone.

social worker: Does the father have the right to see the child’s chart?

answer: No father has ever asked in the history of this unit to see the chart.

pediatric resident: Aren’t we supposed to inform DOH to alert partners?

social worker: We’re the baby’s team. The baby doesn’t have any partners.

home-care liaison: She knew when she married him and he doesn’t know? What’s AZT?

He might beat her if she told.

Maybe he should beat her and teach her a lesson.

Her load is low he isn’t at risk.

Her load his high she’s noncompliant we shouldn’t let her have this baby in the first place.

Hi, I’m Vanessa!

Howard Interrupts Victor.

He probably does know and he probably gave it to her.

But he’d still beat her and blame her if she told.

They aren’t married, he doesn’t have rights to see the chart.

How would we know which parents are married?


4. Interview

Social worker: Can you tell me what you think would happen if you told?

Mother: It just isn’t something he needs to know.


Debora_LidovDebora Lidov is the author of Trance (Finishing Line Press, 2015). Her poems have appeared in Ars Medica, Cut Throat, Five Points, Salamander, upstreet, and The Threepenny Review. Debora is a medical social worker and lives in Brooklyn.

See her poem in the previous HH&N poem-a-day feature.

This poem is not previously published.

Poem 4 ± November 4, 2016

Hank Henderson
We Are Not All Dead

We are not all dead,
the ejected, rejected, the blood infected.
Our self-claimed self-named ghettos
decimated, desecrated
from the Castro to Greenwich Village
between them
in Chicago Denver Kansas City
below them
in Miami Dallas Phoenix L.A.
above them
in Seattle Minneapolis Provincetown
New Town, Boy’s Town, Our town
Every town.
Our ghettos were then renovated,
annotated by replacements
straight and forgetful.
The boys from the 80s.
White boys stacked in cities,
brothers dancing on the downlow,
farm kids who fled for urban freedom,
cowboys & rancheros deep in the West,
Puerto Rican kids in shadows under bridges
where people marched
with bloodied signs for battered souls.
The boys along boundaries
of north and south
boundaries lined by city and suburb
boundaries just outside acceptance and society.
Outcasts outlived
by parents and grandparents,
some who knew and held us,
some who turned away
left us to die alone.
Our dead piled up, rose up,
polarized, politicized,
proselytized to a government ignoring us.
Our disease unspoken by leaders
who turned their backs, blamed Haiti
as if we all were dying by voodoo.
Haitian crypto-spells burned faggots to the ground.
We bled an invocation
to a culture lost to governmental equivocation.
Our bloodied souls rose
above the death wave
demanded attention
and received it only when
the White of whites Ryan
died early and straightened our disease.
Now over a score later, manic preachers
with psalms of hate, still.
We defy your hatred,
your fear-mongering Christian terrorism.
We are not all dead.

I was a faceless son hiding behind distant conversations.
Constant coming outs were eclipsed by
reunions of lies. Coverups became
a life more real than what I lived,
my creed one of what could have been.
It was not my idea in the first place.
For all of you I spent years
being a person I didn’t know,
followed him with darkened shame
because I could not be some dis eased being
I did not create myself.
Now the sudden mindfuck of time passage
startles me from stillness. I stand mortal,
a half-century lived,
much longer than I imagined possible.
Fear’s wasted time covers my feet.
I call to those gone, pushed from presence,
carpeting the past behind me.
I uncover their scattered history
so they do not disappear unheard
or worse, unremembered.
I pull them out from within,
their pyre everburning,
to a place of falling present.
I create a shrine of salvation in wordsmouth phrases:
sacred stories,
myths, legends and lies
all truths and real fictions
from nevermore to alwayswill.
Thoughts, loves and losses from faraway places
and long ago wantingreals
will phoenixrise, become tides of stories
carried on bloodied pieces of soul.
Their souls, my soul, our souls.
Tales for telling, spaces for filling,
minds for storing, pages for sharing.
Repair repent repair repent repair repent.
It was a rape of time where there was no god
only blackness of non-being.
We need the discourses of histories past
steered back out from memory into the here.
We need to be the truth to us now.
We need the adventure of being true
to a sky filled with the dead
who beckonplead their stories
be told and told and retold
into truths of voices praying
histories herstories ourstories
all stories of us ignored.
We are not all dead.

We live in the cum stains of youth
past and future.
We live in the future of gay
not yet born.
We live in those moments of discovered truths
like unnerving hardons
unexpected and all-knowing.
We live in houses plain and glowing
in their ordinaryness.
We live in the now
of plaintive girls longing for queerpanionship
of boys with loves they cannot explain,
of transkids who smackdown on sidestreets
for their discarded friends warring against
a life of slang and indifference.
We live in the lives of men who see
a truth they finally dare to speak.
We live within and under the colors of skin,
Beyond boundaries of money and class
We live in suburbs of stamped out cookie-cutter sameness,
We live in lofts, cabins, farmhouses and condos.
We live in sexting teenagers thumbnail pics.
We live in memories not yet made,
pasts not yet created,
in Christian boys and Catholic girls
in Mormon kids and Jewish teens
playing along to a point.
We live behind burkas, beneath turbans
behind oppression, beneath threats of death
playing along to survive another day.
We are in school rooms learning
in locker rooms wanting, in city buses needing
in churches imagining, in workplaces dreaming,
laughing marching shouting fucking demanding
changing fighting loving debating
mutating creating orgasming
evolving becoming
We are not all dead.


hank-hendersonHank Henderson is a writer, curator, propagator, fabulist, seeker and homo about town. He curates the long-running monthly LGBTQ reading series homo-centric (www.homo-centric.com). He has read his work in bookstores & coffeehouses all over L.A. His solo show Greetings From the Fugue State premiered at Highway’s queer performance festival BEHOLD. His work has also been seen as part of the West Hollywood’s One City, One Pride Festival and INSTALL: WeHo. Hank likes kittens, rainbows, walks on the beach, holding hands & has a forever crush on an artist model (and probable street whore) who has been dead for over 400 years.

“We Are Not All Dead” was performed as a spoken word piece as part of InstallWeHo at West Hollywood’s LGBTQ Arts Festival.

Poem 3 ± November 3, 2016

Tom Capelonga
Prayer of Saint Francis

Or tell it to the angel
there beside you in his briefs

who holds you like host in
the palm of his hand and

asks no more than that you
whisper light into his wounds—

how knees split open in our
haste to distance bad beginnings

how we enlist the boys to take
up arms against us unaware

and cast ourselves unworthy
of their weaponized affections.

Let’s set aside our crosses
and consider gentler crowns.

The past won’t find us tucked
away in this Eureka valley.

We’ll keep the lamps lit
looking after one another’s shadow

and make ourselves a channel of
the peace that’s been denied us.


Tom Capelonga

Tom Capelonga

Tom Capelonga is a native of New York City. His poems have appeared in FourTwoNine Magazine, Podium, and Lambda Literary.

Poem 2 ± November 2, 2016

Stephen Zerance

Madonna of material, I snapped
my rosary, made it into a bracelet for you
at Sunday school, sneaked downstairs
to see you lit before inflamed crosses,
my fingers scented with your patchouli-
cassette. I get drunk, Madonna.
So drunk I sneak leftover drinks
from the bar. I lose myself in the mirror
plucking gray hairs, tug at the sag
in my belly. I want to conquer my fear of
heights, Madonna. Of having roaches or the virus
inside my body. I want a cheap twenty-two
year old lover that doesn’t speak
English. I want my hair bleach blond.
I want to go to the bar, Mother. I want
a vodka double, Mother, a double vodka
Madonna on the rocks.



Stephen Zerance is the author of Caligula’s Playhouse (Mason Jar Press, 2016). His poems have appeared in West Branch, Prairie Schooner, Quarterly West, Assaracus, and Knockout, among other journals, as well as on the websites of Lambda Literary and Split This Rock. He received his MFA from American University, where he received the Myra Sklarew award. Stephen lives in Baltimore, MD.

This poem appears in Caligula’s Playhouse.

Poem 1 ± November 1, 2016

Francisco-Luis White
Consors, W. 201 Street


Thieves-thick, they were feeling like
maybe one more rum coke away
from ready for it or never.

Thick lips met. Nights like these
usually ended before they unzipped denim
revealing guarded sweetness, unbridling nature then.

Thighs thick, never once intently explored
or parted wide by lovers prior.
Suddenly his softness was desirable, permitted.


But not gay,
not like them.
Just two niggas
fucking themselves free.
Ain’t that it?
It can be.

Him for him
brothers sort of
having each other
freeing each other
to be softer
on the low.

People define everything
that’s not hidden.
That’s the thing
which makes men
sometimes hide away,
sometimes hide themselves.


francisco-luis-whiteFrancisco-Luis White is an Afro-Latinx poet and storyteller living in Washington, DC. White is the author of Found Them (CreateSpace, 2016), a chapbook dealing with transformation and departure in response to trauma along their gender/sexuality journey. White presented at Fire & Ink IV: Witness, a conference for LGBTQ writers of African descent; Carolina Conference on Queer Youth; and the United States Conference on AIDS. They have been recognized by National Black Justice Coalition as an LGBTQ Emerging Leader to Watch. In 2013, they were endorsed by Jill Stein and the Massachusetts Green Party as a candidate for Boston City Council. White has featured at Busboys & Poets (Sparkle) and the You Can’t Kill A Poet Reading Series in Philadelphia. Currently, they’re working on a collection of poems titled August to August. Learn more at franciscoluiswhite.com.

Wiesel, Silence, and HIV

By Nina Bennett
HIV Here & Now Poet and author of Sound Effects

The death of Elie Wiesel earlier this month spurred my thoughts on the issue of silence. A Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor, Wiesel was determined that the world not forget the Holocaust.

I have been involved in the HIV epidemic since July 1981, when a friend called and asked if I had seen the article in that day’s issue of the New York Times, “Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Homosexuals.” As a healthcare provider with training in medical research, a brand-new virus captivated me. The science of a retrovirus fascinated me until I began seeing what this virus did to people, to friends. My fascination was tempered by anger and frustration with a society that branded HIV as a moral issue rather than a public health one.

In March 1983, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report on current trends in the emerging AIDS epidemic noting that most cases to date had been reported among gay men, IV drug users, and Haitians, with 11 recent cases reported among hemophiliacs. Soon enough, responders to the epidemic in the medical and public health spheres began referring to AIDS as the “4H” disease, because it affected homosexuals, heroin users, hemophiliacs, and Haitians. This characterization conflated risk groups with risk behaviors and heightened the stigmatization of AIDS even before its association with a then-unknown virus (HIV) was confirmed.

SilenceDeath_01A social activist since my teenage years in the sixties, I needed to do more than read newspaper headlines and medical journals. In 1986, six gay activists in New York formed the SILENCE=DEATH Project. They developed the now-iconic poster of the pink triangle (an inverted version of the symbol sewn onto concentration camp uniforms by the Nazis to identity those imprisoned as homosexuals) above the words SILENCE=DEATH. They wheat-pasting these posters around New York City and issued a manifesto declaring that “silence about the oppression and annihilation of gay people, then and now, must be broken as a matter of our survival.” The slogan and the logo are closely associated with the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), the direct-action group that was formed in New York that same year with the participation of the SILENCE=DEATH Project members.

When I heard the slogan “silence=death,” it was a perfect fit for my call to advocacy. I lived in Delaware, smack in the middle of the infamous I-95 corridor, mere hours from New York, Philly, and D.C. I marched, I protested, and sadly, I made panel after panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Silence=death is just as pertinent today as it was in the 1980s. Silence about the challenges of being a long-term survivor can lead to the death of supportive services necessary to maintain health. Silence about the need for increased mental health and substance use disorder services perpetuates stigma and ensures that people will not get treatment. Silence about the difficulties inherent in negotiating sexual relationships, whether gay, bi, trans, straight, let alone HIV-positive, leads to continued transmission. Silence about what it takes to maintain faith, hope and joy while living with HIV guarantees the complacency of a society that thinks antiretroviral medication solves “the problem.” I am continually amazed when I tell someone I work in HIV, and their response is “I thought that was over.”

We need to continue to speak out, those living with and those affected by HIV, in order to ensure that we are not forgotten, and that the legacy of those who can no longer speak out continues. Federal legislation for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program requires consumer involvement. While it is much more common now for people living with HIV to become members of HIV community planning councils, many of these groups are still dominated by service providers. Join your local HIV planning council and speak your truth.

Advocacy around HIV does not have to involve marching in the streets. Because so many of the issues facing people living with and at risk of HIV are societal, a good starting place could be to become involved in local issues. Attend public meetings of your city council and speak up for increased funding and services for those struggling with mental health and substance use. Engage in one-on-one conversations with local candidates running for office. They are supposed to represent you, but how can they if they don’t know who you are and what you care about? Talk to your own doctor and dentist about routine HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

I’d like to close with a quote from Elie Wiesel’s 1968 speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize:

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.


Nina BennettDelaware native Nina Bennett is the author of the poetry chapbook Sound Effects (Broadkill River Press, 2013) and Forgotten Tears: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Grief (Booklocker.com, 2005). Nina was among the first in her state to be certified to perform anonymous HIV counseling and testing. She also served as a buddy, facilitated a support group, and worked as an HIV/AIDS case manager. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including Napalm and Novocain, Reunion: The Dallas Review, Houseboat, Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine, Philadelphia Stories, and The Broadkill Review.


The 4H’s of HIV. Links all over the Internet will tell you that the CDC coined the phrase “the 4H’s of HIV” but that is not true. That’s why I included in Nina’s post a link to the the March 1983 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) where it is clear that they are simply listing groups that had accounted for the AIDS cases seen to date. The MMWR report does not even include the word “heroin,” but rather refers to “abusers of intravenous (IV) drugs.” The phrase “4H’s of HIV” seems to have sprung up in casual discourse among healthcare professionals and was presumably enshrined in various printed and published sources, but to my knowledge was never used by any credible source as a valid medical or public health term.

The SILENCE=DEATH poster. The six members of the SILENCE=DEATH Project were Avram Finklestein, Brian Howard, Oliver Johnston, Charles Kreloff, Chris Lione, and Jorge Soccaras. The image of the original poster included above comes from The Nomos of Images website. There the image is large enough for you to make out the text beneath the image, which reads:

Why is Reagan silent about AIDS? What is really going on at the Center for Disease Control, the Federal Drug Administration, and the Vatican? Gays and lesbians are not expendable…Use your power…Vote…Boycott…Defend yourselves…Turn anger, fear, grief into action.

There is a wonderfully informative post by Avram Finklestein about the genesis of the poster and its relationship to the beginnings of ACT Up on the New York Public Library blog.

HIV, Black Lives, and Criminal “Justice”

By Michael Broder
Director of The HIV Here & Now Project

Today is a day to think and feel and pray and talk about the murders of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Dallas police officers Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael J. Smith, Brent Thompson, and Patrick Zamarripa, and all the others, police and civilian alike, injured in the Dallas shooting, and family, friends, anyone anywhere whose minds and hearts and spirits are soaking in spilled blood right now.

It is also a day not to forget the impact of HIV on black lives, an impact which is completely enmeshed not only with anti-black racism, white supremacism, heteropatriarchy, and predatory capitalism, but also and every day with the criminal justice system. The impact of an HIV that is racialized, criminalized, and weaponized as a tool in the ongoing genocide of black Americans.

Today I do not have the data, the research, the fully thought out and crafted arguments that I would like to have about the convergence on black lives of the prison industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and the healthcare industrial complex. Talk about the intersectionality of our identities—what about the intersectionality of the repressive forces massed against black lives? How we create social and economic conditions that maximize opportunities for black Americans to get HIV (particularly young black gay men and transgender women); then we create criminal justice conditions that punish black lives for the activities that contribute to their HIV risk—drug use, sex work, domestic abuse, mental illness, poverty; then we incarcerate black bodies in prisons organized, once again, to maximize their risk of HIV infection while incarcerated; then we diagnose them as HIV-positive while they are in prison and give them substandard healthcare as well as making them targets of HIV stigma; then, when we do release them back into society, we make it as hard as we can for them to access HIV care and treatment. “Wham, bam, fuck you black man!”

Since I do not have much more that I can write confidently about these issues, I am copying and pasting the brief essay “Prisons and Jails” from the website of The Center for HIV Law and Policy.

Prisons and Jails

Over two million people are incarcerated in the United States. Men and women of color, particularly black men and women, are disproportionately represented in the correctional system. In 2010, black men had an imprisonment rate that was nearly seven times that of white men, and almost two and a half times that of Latino men. Each year, an estimated one in seven persons living with HIV pass through a correctional or detention facility. At the end of 2010, state and federal prisons held over 20,000 people living with HIV. The rate of HIV among prisoners is 5 to 7 times that of the general population. HIV rates are highest among black prisoners.

The correctional setting is often the first place incarcerated men and women are diagnosed with HIV and provided treatment. Inmates in jails and prisons across the United States, generally, do not receive health care that meets public health standards. In some facilities, prisoners with HIV have no confidentiality or privacy regarding their HIV status. They may be segregated and housed separately from other inmates, and may be blocked from some recreational activities and work assignments.

For many inmates, the behaviors and circumstances that contributed to their HIV infection are those that led to their incarceration (e.g., drug use, sex work, domestic abuse, mental illness, poverty). For others, infection with HIV occurred during incarceration, either by coerced or consensual sex, or by sharing needles or syringes for injecting drugs. Response to the critical need for health care interventions and prevention efforts in correctional facilities have a direct impact on the health of the communities to which prisoners return.

© The Center for HIV Law and Policy

Large Blog ImageI would like to post more ideas and information about these issues. If you have access to the data, the research, and you have the passion to write about this topic, contact us.

Coming Out as a Long-Term Survivor at a Cure Focus Group

By Julene Tripp Weaver
Guest blogger and HIV Here & Now poet

In April I attended a long-term survivor focus group discussion about participating in HIV cure-related research in Seattle sponsored by The Martin Delaney Collaboratories and the National Community Advisory Board. In a packed room at the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, we were led through a series of questions. There were separate groups for women and people of color, but I chose the long-term survivor group because I am a long-term survivor. I was one of two women in the group of mostly older men. I am an elder as well. Coming soon: over 50% of people who are HIV-positive will be over age 50.

The group was what I expected. I’ve been in many groups with some of these same men, usually as a case manager, since I spent 18 years working in HIV/AIDS in Seattle. My work in the field helped me process and deal with my own status. One of my personal goals was to learn everything possible about the disease.

Going to this focus group was a new layer of my coming out process. When I walked into the room, to my embarrassment the men applauded. Aside from the moderator, I was the only woman, although another woman joined the group later. Only two friends in the room knew my status before I entered. I had contacted them early to ask if they were attending and encouraged them to do so. I wanted their support. They are politically active so I knew they would most likely be willing. I sat next to a man who used to be a volunteer where I worked. I felt at home, as I do around gay men.

The facilitator led us through a series of questions such as: What does the term “AIDS cure” mean to you? Why would you choose to join a study? Why would you choose not to join a study? We were encouraged to keep our answers short.

I would join a study for science if I would qualify. Women are often ruled out. There were a few studies I’ve been eligible for earlier, and I’ve called to be screened for many studies. Being female with so many more hormones than men, and the risk of pregnancy, tends to be a disqualifier. For other medical studies not about AIDS, being on AIDS meds is a disqualifier. Certainly being over 60 may put one over the cutoff age. And would I have to stop taking the medications I’m on now? I waited a long time to take medications, which I believe saved me, but now there is no one easy pill I can take. It took a long time to get on a regimen I could tolerate. I developed resistance to the whole NNRTI class of HIV drugs, so some of the new drugs will not suppress my virus.

One question was interesting. Would you define yourself as healthy or unhealthy? I consider myself healthy; it is part of my self-talk and spiritual healing process not to think of myself as sick. Most in the room stated they are unhealthy. The discussion that evolved asked who decides if we are healthy or not when there is so much hidden in this disease. And fear, because if Social Security Disability decides someone on benefits is healthy they will lose their benefits. So what does that mean in terms of income? Housing? The ability to get assistance with medications or otherwise? There is a lot to lose in the semantics of how our health is defined and by whom.

For a fact, I do not have the energy I used to, possibly not the same mental clarity. There is aging that makes such innocuous changes blurry as to the cause. And of course, there is the virus. Even if it is undetectable, even with a decent CD4 count, it is an inflammatory agent in our body causing stress and an accelerated process that impacts our organs. My health issues are minor, but they are constant, annoying, and hinder me in ways I don’t like to admit. I’m not on disability and would not qualify. CD4 has never been a definer for Social Security disability; it has to be by opportunistic infections, or some combination with mental health.

So, was this focus group helpful? I hope so. There has been a lot of progress with the meds for sure. But some of us are not able to use what is coming out. There is a lot of talk about a cure, but what will it look like? I don’t think I’ll see a cure in my lifetime. But I do expect to live a full lifespan. Any possibility of my acceptance into a study for a cure is improbable and risky.

My search continues. Where do I continue to make a difference with this disease now that I no longer work in the field? One way is through writing. My book of poetry about HIV/AIDS, including poems about personal experience and work experiences, has found a publisher, and will be available soon. That is a huge coming out. So perhaps it will be the best way to enter my next phase. My passion to work with AIDS runs deep, and it’s a large stream with many tributaries to step into.


Julene It's About Time AprilJulene Tripp Weaver worked over 20 years in HIV Services. Her poetry collections include No Father Can Save Her (Plain View Press, 2011) and Case Walking: An AIDS Case Manager Wails Her Blues (Finishing Line Press, 2007). Garrison Keillor featured a poem from Case Walking on The Writer’s Almanac and in his anthology Good Poems American Places (Penguin Books, 2012). Weaver’s poems appear in Anti-Heroin Chic, Riverbabble, River & South Review, Red Headed Stepchild, and Cliterature, among other journals.  Learn more at julenetrippweaver.com and follow her on Twitter @trippweavepoet.


By Joss Barton
Contributing Editor


Illustration by Hulee Heck

I can’t begin without admitting defeat.

When I agreed to become a contributing editor for HIV Here & Now, I knew I wanted to craft a narrative and visual project that would become an honest document on the current state of HIV/AIDS art and activism in America.

I wanted to write about my experiences as a queer transgender femme of color, someone who statistically meets the definition of HIGH RISK: risk of poverty, risk of rape, risk of being imprisoned, risk of being murdered, risk of being profiled, and risk of contracting HIV, in a way that not only honored the lives and stories of marginalized queer and transgender communities, but also said FUCK IT to the respectability politics around how we are expected to talk about HIV and AIDS.

My mind soon filled with dozens of essay ideas. I began writing up a mini-list of artists and writers who were not only exploring HIV/AIDS in their work, but also working in ways that were powerful, poignant, and pushing those narratives in radical and innovative directions. I wanted this project to become a collaboration with these artists in interviews, dialogues, and daydreams of how we found liberation in the shadow of AIDS. Bryn Kelly was at the top of that list.

News of her death a few days later was soul shattering. I met Bryn as a 2013 Fellow at Lambda Literary Foundation’s Emerging LGBT Writers Retreat. Her aura and personality captivated me from the moment we met. Part of me was insanely jealous of her non-fiction cohorts who got to sit in her presence every morning and share their work with her under the direction of novelist Sarah Schulman. They were getting to know her better than I was. They were bouncing literary critiques back and forth with her and I wasn’t. They were the ones who got to hear her laugh.

Bryn’s work is an incredibly nuanced and intersectional look at the dynamics of modern day transgender liberation and survival in a world that actively seeks to erase marginalized communities. She wrote about poverty and transwomanhood and about living with HIV with stark honesty that allowed her to take raw moments of basic survival and craft them into narratives adorned with poignancy and human compassion. She also found ways to cut her stories with a searing dark humor that, like a narcotic, became an addiction for me whenever reading her work.

My goal with this essay is to give Bryn a proper literary analysis of her work. But I already know that nothing I can say can truly honor the immense genius inside her words. I could spend years truly examining her body of work, but for now this essay will focus on her pseudo-anonymous blog, PARTYBOTTOM, and her short story “Other Balms, Other Gileads,” which was curated for the journal We Who Feel Differently in the issue Time Is Not A Line: Conversations, Essays, and Images About HIV/AIDS Now. I hope what follows honors her narratives in a way that says, without conditions, that an HIV/AIDS art canon devoid of work by transgender women is pure bullshit.


IMG_1712The blog’s title, PARTYBOTTOM: THE SEXY HIV+ TRANSGENDER BLOG, alone is an artistic and political statement.

Bryn was no stranger to utilizing pseudonyms in her work. My first encounter with her writing came through her blog The Hussy (an extension of her column of the same name for the now defunct website PrettyQueer.com). While The Hussy is both a diary of her misadventures in dating and sex across Brooklyn, as well as a collection of stream of consciousness musing on gender, transfeminist theory, and snark, PARTYBOTTOM: THE SEXY HIV+ TRANSGENDER BLOG, is a document of incredible importance in the trajectory of future HIV/AIDS narrative art as activism.

Partybottoms, scourge of the BODY POLITIC in LGBT INC., are the irresponsible whores, the THOTS of the parTy, the ones who you can always count on with pockets full of poppers, noses stuffed with cocaine, eyes glassed by molly or meth. In their drug induced states they are also the ones who proudly proclaim NO LOADS REFUSED in online ads, orgy texts, or maybe marked on ass cheeks in black sharpie marker. Partybottoms become the magical, mythical creatures that conjure both repulsion and desire from the social and sexual queer culture. They are the monsters in the bathhouses and the trap houses who we can shame and fuck and write public health grants for under the banner of high risk demography. These are only a sprinkle of the existential reasons that makes Partybottom’s narrative both radical and subversive.

SEXY suggests desire and seduction and is immediately contrasted with thirty-five, years of fear, stigma, paranoia, and death in the term HIV+.

Bryn would often recount a timeless tale via social media about an anonymous commentator on TheBody.com who asks if he was exposed to HIV after sex with a transgender sex worker. The man in the story would be rambling off paranoid questions that he might have become HIV+ after using a condom with a transwoman or something even more banal like a back alley blowjob or handjob. The story is typically set in Brazil or maybe Puerto Rico or perhaps New York but the geography of the tale is irrelevant. The stigma of HIV and of the male-to-female transgender identity is universal enough to fill any province worth of fear and loathing for the cis gaze. Bryn utilized this story to expose not only the stigma and ignorance surrounding HIV but also the immense transphobia and transmisogyny embedded inside the cis consciousness.

This makes Partybottom’s transgender label so crucial to her thinking and her commitment to transliberation. Not only does she unapologetically state that she is a SEXY HIV+ TRANSWOMAN but she knows exactly how you are reading those words. You are walking along that headline with trepidation, with some kind of PC shyness. She knows that folks who share her narrative, trans, HIV+ folk, poor folk, gender nonconforming, may be in on the joke, but even if you are hesitant to celebrate that statement, she doesn’t care. She is going to show you HER TRUTH regardless if you are aroused or not.

On the surface, the blog appears to be another confessional outlet with a focus on the blogger’s serostatus, but there’s much more to it than that. Rather, Partybottom is a historical-ethnographic document that positions the stark realities of survival for a transgender HIV+ woman in the dark heart of neoliberal capitalism: New York City.

Two of Bryn’s first posts, “Experiences With Trans/HIV Health Care in NYC: Part 1,” and “A Tale of Two Trans Care Program Case Managers,” are short narratives on the very real difficulties of being poor and trans and relying on state assistance for one’s HIV meds. Because she is living these experiences, she is able to clearly explain why even the most well intentioned public health institutions and professionals focused on queer and trans* health can still fail those who need their care and attention the most. She cites funding constraints, unappreciated and underpaid staff, high case manager turnover, long hours, and the academic-bubbled world of social work graduate programs as some of the many problems ingrained in HIV/AIDS service organizations.

She also contrasts two very distinct and different forms of care in “A Tale of Two Trans Care Program Case Managers” in a translatina social worker and an ivy-league, genderqueer, white social worker. While she sees that both want to help their clients as best they can with the tools given, she can’t help but understand that the language of care coming from them and their respected institutions are polar opposites.

She writes, “I think it all comes down to hiring practices. If you prioritize education and being able to speak a certain kind of social-work-y, tenderqueer vernacular, you will get providers who can provide services for white, FAAB, transmasculine people. If you prioritize hiring people from the communities you hope to serve—people who have lived the life—you will serve those communities, and, hopefully, serve them well,” (Partybottom, December 13th, 2013).

Bryn’s writing throughout Partybottom also brings together some of the most nuanced and intersectional contemporary perspectives on HIV/AIDS with raw, personal accounts of poverty, welfare benefits, casual erasures of transwomen in HIV/AIDS service organizations, transmisogyny, and the physical and mental effects on marginalized people when their survival is tied to bloated political and medical bureaucracies.

In a post titled “Medicaid Mental Health Bureaucracy: Sooooo boring,” Bryn makes clear how the current systems of HIV/AIDS services for poor folk and people on welfare assumes certain levels of linguistic and technological literacy. She retells a simple story of how her basic computer skills, access to the Internet, a cell phone, and her ability to track down a ghost mental health HMO in the vast density of New York City affords her a small level of comfort; that, although she’s stuck in a cruel maze, she knows that others navigating the same routes, with few-to-none of the same skills, must be holding a much sicker kind of knowledge: One that tells them they are lost and being ignored by bureaucratic systems of care.

Bryn’s analysis of poverty and its relationship to HIV/AIDS ranges across her posts from her microscopic accuracy in charting the complexities of government housing assistance for PLWHA to the almost dystopian absurdities of Medicaid. The genius of how she describes all of this rests in her ability to convey the ugliness of oppression with moments of compassion and empathy.

For example, in her incredibly raw essay, “The HIV Welfare Merry-Go-Round: A Day In The Life,” she deals with matters quite literally of life or death: the threat of losing her case management, access to her HIV meds, and possibly her housing. She draws the reader a road-to-nowhere map of state and federal public health tightropes that she and other poor HIV+ citizens are forced to endure for their basic survival. At one point, Bryn finds herself in the halls of a Social Security office when she overhears two strangers discussing how to apply successfully for food stamps.

She writes:

This is not the first time I’ve seen this go down—in these weird liminal spaces, total strangers who share nothing but the commonality of poverty—well, somehow we all manage to form some sense of solidarity. We make small talk. We encourage each other. We share advice about what we have learned about the system. We make sure that we are taken care of. In small, understated, undramatic ways, we show each other tiny acts of love. And there is beauty in that. (Partybottom, August 1, 2014.)


IMG_1824Bryn’s 2014 short story “Other Balms, Other Gileads,” a beautiful, emotionally jarring narrative, walks the reader through the fictional day of SHE, a young, working-poor, HIV+ transwoman fucking and dreaming in New York City.

SHE strolls through Brooklyn, watches Scratch & Win! lotto players:

The cashier pulls from the crowded rolls of scratch-offs, a cascade of unspooling paper, but the deft clerk seems to have eight hands, handling the unfurling chaos while simultaneously wolfing down Sun Chips. She wonders if her boss ever gives her a break. (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”)

Buys beans, cornmeal mix, limes, some eggs, and stares through a blurry contact lens:

There is something wrong with her contacts. They are stained with waterproof mascara, making everything is a little blurry, so she hunches over the counter to make sure every letter is in its proper box on the little form. In the “amount to send” box, she writes $235, a week’s worth of wages she has earned as a receptionist at a Lower East Side salon, paid under the table. (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”)

Bryn’s ability to describe the interior mind with complex detail through a mundane errand is the narrative foundation to the consciousness of SHE. We learn about a new subletter, see her transmasc boyfriend jacking off in her bed, we smell her kitchen.

Bryn also gives us her projection of the NEO-CLASSIC TRANSSEXUAL. Vidal had Myra Breckinridge; Bryn gives us something fucking better. SHE contemplates her favorite drugs:

Her favorite pharmaceutical—hands-down (and she’s tried them all)—is Valium. She has an immense tolerance for it. Valley-yum. The “valley” in the name reminds her of Valley of the Dolls and the glamorous downward spiral of Neely O’Hara: dolls to wake her up in the morning, dolls to put her to sleep at night….She likes having about a pound of pills around. There’s something transsexually, femininely classique about it, and she loves anything feminine and classique (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”).

And how she likes to fuck: “She wants to be fucked like dogs fuck—a few thrusts, then cum, then a knot to tie the two animals together to give them time to imprint on each other, and then to be done with it” (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”).

Bryn’s neo-classic transsexual is unapologetically femme and lives in an incredibly violent and pornographic world (pornography defined as war, capitalism, penetration). Her SHE is a symbol for the soft girls who worshiped gods and idols in Gilead, and the ones being murdered in Detroit. SHE is also HIV+ and her serostatus brings an even deeper layer of conceptualism to the consciousness. SHE’s serostatus never sits far from her waking mind as she and her boyfriend talk Truvada and discuss if he should start PrEP.

One of the brightest gems of the story is when SHE connects “There Is a Balm in Gilead,” a church spiritual from her childhood, and the Bible scriptures it references, to her boyfriend, to HIV medications, and to the virus inside her.

The title of the story, “Other Balms, Other Gileads,” is itself a complex intervention in the discourse of HIV/AIDS.  The notion of “balm in Gilead” refers to the biblical trope of a medicinal balm (made in the ancient city of Gilead) as a metaphor for divine redemption. The same biblical Gilead inspired the name of the pharmaceutical company, founded in 1987, that manufactures some of the leading treatments for HIV, including Truvada, the only drug currently approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as PrEP.

One of the brightest gems of the story is when SHE considers “There Is a Balm in Gilead,” a traditional African-American spiritual that SHE remembers from her childhood (and the Bible scriptures it references), and connects the song to the pharmaceutical company Gilead and the medications it markets. The beautiful and poignant passage in the story breaks open conflicts of hope, stigma, bareback sex, desire, destruction, disease and healing. SHE muses, in part:

Do these tablets offer the promise of curing the guilt and shame we’ve felt after taking a raw dick (or two, or ten) up the ass? Does it promise God’s mercy for our abominable Romanesque transgressions? Instead of stigma, will we be given stigmata, to mark our holiness? Does the soul, which has been degraded by poverty, by neglect, by racism, by homophobia, the soul that has always been told it has nothing to live for, now, somehow, have the promise of tomorrow? Of hope and everlasting life? (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”).

Bryn writes a character rich in desires and dreams but crafted with the true complexities of life: poverty, cooking dinner, making her lover cum. She creates someone who, in the quiet moments of existence, reflects our own small acts of transliberation. Bryn writes,

The Wikipedia article on long-term benzo addiction says that they degrade your cognition over the course of use, but sometimes she thinks she had too much cognition to start out with. Dolls. Years of estrogen shots, electrolysis, the back-alley snip by a half-trained medical student in a dingy hotel in Michigan, the thousands of hours spent on makeup and hair perfection and perfectly fitting clothes that show off her best assets. Dolls. She wants to be soft for him in every way. Soft, soft, soft. (“Other Balms, Other Gileads”).


I won’t pretend that this literary analysis of Bryn’s writing comes close to fully examining her body of work and its profound influence on the formation of contemporary transfeminist theory and transliberation narratives.

Her story and her art begin at the dawn of a digital era that has been shaped dramatically by the contributions of queer and trans* artists, activists, and accidental academics. The Internet has always given voice and space to the marginalized, and it is no coincidence that much of Bryn’s work will be forever coded onto the digital queer landscape. Just as I discovered The Hussy through an algorithmic dance on Tumblr, so will other future queer and trans* folk be introduced to her writing as it spreads, like a femme virus, across screens and feeds.

Sadly, this essay doesn’t even begin to truly dissect some of Bryn’s most vital and groundbreaking contributions to an HIV/AIDS art canon. In her essay, “How To Be A Good Roommate To Someone Living With HIV/AIDS,” Bryn crafts a monumental document of HIV/AIDS care that should be required reading for anyone contemplating medical, social, or cultural work around HIV/AIDS. In it, she not only lays out the complex housing blueprint for PLWHA when their housing is tied to state assistance, but she also bluntly details the emotional and physical realities that HIV+ people deal with everyday as they negotiate spectrums of survival and health. She writes with pinpoint accuracy about the consequences of homelessness for PLWHA, how unstable living conditions result in unstable antiretroviral regimens, the unique legal challenges facing undocumented HIV+ people seeking housing, and the fragility of an HIV+ person’s safety when their serostatus is disclosed without their permission. Bryn narrates these realities to point out the obvious: STIGMA AND POVERTY CREATE AN AIDS HOUSING CRISIS.

She tells us through her writing that a world built on greed, on binaries, on racism, and on the casual erasure and indifference to the most marginalized among us will continue to breed suffering in the human condition. She wrote to say that only a movement based on an intersectional commitment to transliberation, to anti-racism, to evolving beyond neoliberal capitalism, and to ending HIV stigma can alleviate the enormous psychic pain these various forms of oppression bring to the world. She wrote to restore dignity.

Her words were born from what can only be defined as the biblical state of grace, where one’s core encounters the divine in the most quiet and desolate of places, where the cosmic brushes against the soul to whisper truths that can only be translated by those willing to become specters for a disillusioned nation.

Bryn’s last post for Partybottom was a written response to an anonymous, young, HIV+ reader who asks her for reasons why they should take their pills when the weight of their depression seems too much to make any difference. Bryn lists her own personal reasons for staying on antiretrovirals, including a degree of health to work from when facing her own episodes of depression and the guilty pleasure of melodramatics with her friends and lover. She ends her list casting a stream of consciousness spell that transports the reader into dimensions still uncharted:

– YOU –
– HAVE –
– T I G E R –
– B L O O D –

(Partybottom, November 17th, 2015).

Learn more about Contributing Editor Joss Barton and the rest of Our Team.

HIV Here & Now reaches Poem 100

We posted Poem 100 today in our poem-a-day countdown to 35 years of AIDS on June 5, 2016. Here is the amazing list of poets we have featured to date. I do think we have a diversity problem, though: inadequate representation of poets whose first names begin with the letters U through Z.

Large Blog ImageAaron DeLeeAlfred CornAllen F. ClarkAntoinette BrimAshley InguantaAustin AlexisBilly MerrellBrian LeungBryan BorlandC. Cleo CreechC. Russell PriceCeleste GaineyCharlie BondhusCheryl ClarkeChip LivingstonChristopher GaskinsD. GilsonD.C. WiltshireDanez SmithDaniel D.K. LeeDaniel NesterDante MicheauxDavid BergmanDavid GroffDay MerrillDebora LidovDennis RhodesDonna MinkowitzEduardo C. CorralEduardo MorenoEileen R. TabiosElaine SextonElizabeth AlexanderErik SchuckersGuillermo Filice CastroJameson FitzpatrickJason SchneidermanJeff WaltJeffery BergJenna CardinaleJennifer ChapisJennifer Michael HechtJericho BrownJim ElledgeJoan LarkinJohn MedeirosJohn Whittier TreatJoseph O. LegaspiJoseph OsmundsonJulene T. WeaverJulian GewirtzL. Lamar WilsonMadelyn GarnerMARMarcos L. MartínezMarie Howe, Marion Winik (5)(4)(3)(2)(1), Mary Jane NealonMattilda Bernstein SycamoreMaxton Young-JonesMerrill ColeMichael BroderMichael CarosoneMichael KleinMichael MontlackMichael TyrellNancy BevilaquaNicole SealeyNina BennettPatricia Spears JonesPatrick DonnellyPerry BrassPhilip F. ClarkPhillis LevinRandy Evan BarlowRaymond BerryRisa DenenbergRobert CarrRobert SiekRoberto F. SantiagoRon MohringRyan BlackSarah RussellSarah SaraiScott ChalupaScott WiggermanSister Glo Euro N’WeiSophie Cabot BlackStephen MeadStephen MillsStephen RielSteve TurtellSteven CordovaThe HIV Here & Now ProjectTimothy LiuTom Capelonga.