Transition Poem 2 @ Nov. 10, 2016

Day Merrill
Trump Wins/Clinton Concedes

Trump Wins/Clinton Concedes
reads the headline of a website
I idly troll,
searching in vain for something to take
away the dull ache that has
replaced the frisson of terror,
the growing dread,
the stab of shock
of last night’s election.

I conceded at 1:43 AM,
too exhausted and numb to endure
any more pundits
or statistics
or breakdowns,
other than the one I was having
on behalf of my country.


Day Merrill’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tin Roof PressHalcyonThe BinnacleContemporary Rural Social Work, The HIV Here & Now Project, and Quick Brown Fox. After a career as an English teacher and a university administrator, she became a career coach. Day lives in Collingwood, Ontario on the shores of Georgian Bay/Lake Huron where with her husband and a rescued dog and cat.

This poem is not previously published.