Poem 3 ± November 3, 2018

Julene Tripp Weaver
A Decision Was Called For

HIV		prognosis death
he faced me head on		we cried 
in the consult room	joined	in the tragic news
storms 	in each teardrop

I said,		You can leave
gale winds blew through our home
a mudslide 	beneath our feet
the forgiven affair 	revived 

there is a sacrifice 	required
monogamy  	must be mutual		
a seismic shift		deep kisses shunned
but, with a grateful heart	he stayed


Julene Tripp Weaver is the author of a chapbook and two full-length collections. Her latest, Truth Be Bold: Serenading Life & Death in the Age of AIDS (Finishing Line Press, 2017), was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for Bisexual Nonfiction, and won the Bisexual Book Award for the Best Bisexual Poetry Book, as well as four Human Relations Indie Book Awards. Her work is online at The Seattle Review of Books, Voices in the Wind, Antinarrative Journal, Anti-Heroin Chic, MadSwirl, and Writing in a Woman’s Voice. Weaver is a psychotherapist in Seattle, WA. You can find more of her writing at julenetrippweaver.com.

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