What Rough Beast | 09 16 20 | Christian Sammartino

Christian Sammartino
Equinox / Outbreak

Today the sun is an IV bag dripping
light to us through a slender tube of clouds.

We call this the first day of spring,
a slow trickle of raindrops pleading with the earth

to forget all this violence. Forget the body
and it’s breaking. Forget the feeling a fever

makes in the morning mist as it dispatches
chills through the lightning rod of your spine.

Today’s first color is the sharp silver tip of a needle
gleaming in my wife’s arm in the emergency room.

The first sound of spring is her name
becoming a hospital bracelet in my mouth,

Followed by the unfolding of pediatric masks
over our mouths to sequester our breathing.

In the waiting room, I gaze at the sky and see a weather
system of hospital beds floating above East Marshall Street.

All the clouds have been quarantined
and are working from home. Maybe they labor

hand making miracles or testing kits to spare
the people I love from the angel of death.

Maybe they rest beside the god I pray my wife
does not meet today or the next day.

But maybe they never took the doctors’ orders,
and are still above us, pleading for her fever to break

into conservatories flush with lush flowers, mercifully
returning from their slumber in the underworld.

I have never wished harder for her body
to personify springtime, for her to become

a garden of crocuses, perennially returning
to me from the relentless oblivion of winter.

—Submitted on 09/12/2020

Christian Sammartino is the founding editor of the Rising Phoenix Review. His poems have appeared in Yes Poetry, Rogue Agent, Apiary, Tilde, Ghost City Press, and other journals. Sammartino studied religion and philosophy at West Chester University, and is a library communications technician at Francis Harvey Green Library. When he is not writing poetry, or creating new graphic designs for his library, you can find him hiking through Pennsylvania’s state parks with his wife Kelsey.

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What Rough Beast | 09 15 20 | Rijan Britanicus Acharya

Rijan Britanicus Acharya
Impulse of Hope

I hopped in terrace and caught a bird
its wings were as in storm of liberty,
like thrush it flooded a trail of notes.

I caressed wings soft feathers toiling
like clouds. The sweetness served me
As it flew when I left my desires with it.

It swept suspending like an arch
Or those waves of the warm seas
Intersecting the undermined sun.

My case of vision I leased it
It measured the blueness of reddish skies
Projecting like an angel of old reciters.

My edge of soul tied in its feather
I am claiming the spectrum spread.
I have no strain of being here.

—Submitted on 09/12/2020

Rijan Britanicus Acharya is a Nepali poet whose work appears in the biannual journal Of Nepalese Clay. He work as a tutor.

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What Rough Beast | 09 14 20 | Rijan Britanicus Acharya

Rijan Britanicus Acharya
Dark Edge in Viral-cage

I am done in myself
Dark is me. Like Milton wind
Hell in outlaw, I am progressive
In the walls with pledge of darkness
undertaker is winning my region of silence.

Who you know in the wilderness
the drums reverberates the conscience?
I had dealt for years and I know
what sense is rescuing me
Against the fragment of this sadness.
Oblivion is dripping in my veins
The violence of thoughts within me
Murmurs what is edge of this?
I walk someday in orange paths of sun
Cast with broken dry leaves
Drinking coffee and overwhelming
for an errand of life.
Where is end of season entangling birds?
I am jealousy myself, turmoil of
A long silence crunching like paper
Filled with random words of life.

—Submitted on 09/12/2020

Rijan Britanicus Acharya is a Nepali poet whose work appears in the biannual journal Of Nepalese Clay. He work as a tutor.

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What Rough Beast | 09 13 20 | Rijan Britanicus Acharya

Rijan Britanicus Acharya
Virus Disgrace

Has corona entered my nose?
I am feeling nose being poked.
Hell no its pricking dust
i am not in sweeping game
in this conservative walls pulling over
Eyes of sons of men
like tyrants hosting my soul and heart.
Who the virus is that man?
am i free not born like sparrow.
Make hell in me like soiled liberty.
Who you virus pact man fill me
On the sagging pockets like hungry squirrel.
Damnable command! I duck your words
blahman you hold my mouth?
Hell is in your feet. I don’t give a pinch
to you of my winged life to die in your plight.
I break my hands on my mates
and drink thousand beer to drown
self in solitude of the conjuring ears
mind floating in dark roots of my veins
clustered with the entangled spears.
Aye! what crap you listening
I ask. Maria Bot plays Hip Hop. I’m done
Too drowsy. I say. Aye! Maria, is
Siri like more sweet or tangy over you?
Not at all i mean she is sweet.
Maria sweeps the case of mind
All dust of thoughts are merged in nothing.
I don’t know I say. Maria is Bot.
What race Maria?
Hell to my Botrace i am like E black.
I am done. I sleep.
You hate my asking Maria.
Yep. I am no man in mood
i am myself. Don’t rush my mind
you human, butchered by own imagination.

—Submitted on 09/12/2020

Rijan Britanicus Acharya is a Nepali poet whose work appears in the biannual journal Of Nepalese Clay. He work as a tutor.

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What Rough Beast | 09 12 20 | Ron Drummond

Ron Drummond
The End of the World As We Know It

They’ve given notice:
TV listings in The Times
shall shortly be extinct.

“You will be left
to your various devices,”
sniggers Lady Gray.

We guess, quite
thinkably, what’s next?
No Book Review?

But reader, write
this awful query down:
“No crossword puzzle?”

—Submitted on 09/06/2020

Ron Drummond is the author of Why I Kick At Night (Portlandia Group, 2004). His poems have appeared in Barrow StreetColumbia Review, Global City Review, Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, and James White Review, among other journals. He lives in New York City. 

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What Rough Beast | 09 11 20 | Marjorie Moorhead

Marjorie Moorhead
When the Pandemic Is Over

There will be something else.
Pessimistic, I know…
but, will the planet even be living?
Will it be nurturing home to a species
who’ve abused and disrespected it so?

When the pandemic ends, I will hug
my father who’s been sealed up
into the pod of his elder care home.
I will dance and sing, wave feathers,
light a smudge stick.
I will feel good for my son who’s still trying
to have college experience.
And my other son who’s been working “remotely”.

When the pandemic ends when it ends
Will it end?
Will there be another, different virus?
Will we have killed off all underprivileged
and underserved, leaving only
previously pampered survivors?

When the pandemic ends, I will pick a bouquet
and smell the flowers.
I will drink pure clear water and wade
at the meeting of sand and surf on a beach
where there are only shells and no plastics
strewn or oil surfacing in footprints.

When the pandemic ends
we’ll sit around a campfire
and tell our tales. We will remember the lost;
the dead and damaged.

When the pandemic ends, will I have learned
something? Anything?
There will be tv shows, plays and books
about it. We have to tell our stories.

When the pandemic ends
Fingertips will touch another
and really feel
the surface of a skin
that isn’t our own.

When the pandemic ends
clean air will be valued.
Breathing will be sacred.
We will build statues to our lungs.
The shape of lungs, like a heart.

Breath. Breathing.
Feeling. Seeing.
When the pandemic ends,
will there be heightened awareness?

—Submitted on 08/31/2020

Marjorie Moorhead is the author of the chapbooks Survival: Trees, Tides, Song (Finishing Line Press 2019), and Survival Part 2: Trees, Birds, Ocean, Bees (Duck Lake Books 2020). Her poems have appeared in Sheila-Na-GigPorter House ReviewVerse-VirtualRising Phoenix ReviewAmethyst Review, and other journals, as well as in several anthologies, including most recently Covid Spring (Hobblebush Books, 2020). 

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What Rough Beast | 09 10 20 | Marjorie Moorhead

Marjorie Moorhead
Only Love Songs

From now on, every poem I write
shall be simply
a love song.
Closing my eyes
because the planet is dying.
I must sing its beauty.
Closing my eyes because people
are trying for breath;
in a white supremacist grip.
And breath is peace. Breath is ease.
May we stop policing BREATH, please?!

From now, I’ll sing only of love;
write words of description;
petals, leaves, clouds, trees, hoping
We Shall Overcome. Peace, please
find us all on this overheating planet.
With the benevolent beauty
of a cooling breeze justice must prevail.
March in throngs, in a rainbow arch,
write the wrongs, chant the songs.

—Submitted on 08/31/2020

Marjorie Moorhead is the author of the chapbooks Survival: Trees, Tides, Song (Finishing Line Press 2019), and Survival Part 2: Trees, Birds, Ocean, Bees (Duck Lake Books 2020). Her poems have appeared in Sheila-Na-GigPorter House ReviewVerse-VirtualRising Phoenix ReviewAmethyst Review, and other journals, as well as in several anthologies, including most recently Covid Spring (Hobblebush Books, 2020). 

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What Rough Beast | 09 09 20 | Marjorie Moorhead

Marjorie Moorhead
the Summer of 2020

Our pandemic history
flows from manic making
of banana breads, and no t.p.,
to where mass protest is urgent necessity.
A black man died under blue clad weight;
neck held down, casually,
by the racist knee of a bully cop
leaning into white supremacy,
brutalizing with impunity,
thinking his perceived racial superiority
grants him immunity;
permits him to act as vigilante.

Unrest and protest follows. Tsunami
amassing; a wave led by the outraged
brave building a roar to implement change,
correct wrongs; imagine more.
Imagine better and bring it about;
that is what people in the streets are calling for.
That is why we all must shout.

—Submitted on 08/31/2020

Marjorie Moorhead is the author of the chapbooks Survival: Trees, Tides, Song (Finishing Line Press 2019), and Survival Part 2: Trees, Birds, Ocean, Bees (Duck Lake Books 2020). Her poems have appeared in Sheila-Na-Gig, Porter House Review, Verse-Virtual, Rising Phoenix Review, Amethyst Review, and other journals, as well as in several anthologies, including most recently Covid Spring (Hobblebush Books, 2020). 

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What Rough Beast | 09 08 20 | Jessica Dawson

Jessica Dawson
Florida Man Positive About Coronavirus

In what every news cycle has belabored
as unprecedented times, a man of great
and horrific legend emerges from the swamp
to worsen our troubled minds.

Florida Man remains unapologetically positive
as coronavirus cases flourish in the Sunshine State,
despite comprehensive scientific warnings
calling for stricter social distancing measures
and continued mask use.

“You see, I encourage people to get out there and walk
around the beach, sing into their neighbors’ mouths—
If you want to ride a manatee, hell, I won’t stop ‘ya!”

Citing “boredom” and “not having enough
bullets to shoot down all them hurricanes,”
Florida Man even took to cooking up a miracle cure
only a person from the state known as America’s Penis
could concoct: an illegal bathtub vaccination.

When asked about the remedy’s ingredients
Florida Man shrugged his shoulders, pulling
meth from his belly-button to offer our reporter:
“I let Jesus take the wheel on most my decisions.”

Although Florida Man has never been spotted
in a church—or wearing a shirt—
his religious toutings have gained traction in communities
where Four Loko is king and education is optionable.

During the time we spent with Florida Man
it was hard to not root for his misguided efforts,
even when those efforts involved squeezing an alligator
through a Wendy’s drive-thru window.

—Submitted on 08/30/2020

Jessica Dawson‘s poems have appeared in Cantilevers, as well as in the anthology From the Ashes (Animal Heart Press, 2019), edited by Amanda McLeod and Mela Blust. Originally from central Florida, Dawson lives in Chicago, where she is a rape crisis counselor. 

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What Rough Beast | 09 07 20 | Jessica Dawson

Jessica Dawson
Trading Trumpets for Guns

A gun swells in the palms
of a child like a bee sting

that weighs the fright against
trigger-happy boredom.

The child’s fingers are swollen
with a clumsy curiosity,

and the cool of the steel numbs
the worries of future bullets.

The streets are war for children,
and they fear running out

of lead. Their fingerprints leave
blood stains on their parents’ hearts

who were forced to leave blood
stains on their parent’s hearts

and it continues into generations
past and future, until finally

the pop sounds of shots fired
distort themselves into the brass

infernal blasts of a trumpet,
the original weapon of war

and power. Inside every child
is the sheet music against death.

In their palms, the trumpet sounds
like a battle cry for the future.

—Submitted on 08/30/2020

Jessica Dawson‘s poems have appeared in Cantilevers, as well as in the anthology From the Ashes (Animal Heart Press, 2019), edited by Amanda McLeod and Mela Blust. Originally from central Florida, Dawson lives in Chicago, where she is a rape crisis counselor. 

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