Second Coming No. 21 — Feb. 9, 2025

A poem-a-day protest against the threat posed to our democracy by the current occupant of the White House

Jan Santora-Farrar

The tyrant todler
with juvenile visions of ruling the world
weaponizing freedom
raging fuming preening
wielding bullets of projection
aimed always outward
targeting the Other

Which is true

While also
Are we projectors
and he the manifest
of our own hidden wounded
stifled parts
unloved shadow babies
we think we can’t stand the pain
of loving into wholeness
Disarming the tyrant toddler within
And so with out

Jan Santora-Farrar is a reader for Bone to Brain, a literary journal started by practitioners of brainspotting, a psychotherapeutic technique for processing traumatic memories. With Pamela A. Hays she co-authored the article “Coping Outside Traditional Roles: The Case of Noncustodial Mothers and Implications for Therapy” in the journal Women & Therapy. Santora-Farrar holds a BA in women’s studies from the University of Washington and an MA in clinical mental health counseling from Antioch University. She lives and works in Snohomish County, Washington, where she specializes in treating narcissistic trauma and chronic loss.

Indolent Books and editor Michael Broder are back with another poem-a-day series as a creative response to the threat posed to our democracy by the current occupant of the White House. The plan is to continue for all 1460 days of the 47th American presidency.

Find out how to submit poems or flash prose pieces to Second Coming.

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