A poem-a-day protest against the threat posed to our democracy by the current occupant of the White House
Barbara Reynolds
Message to the World
The voice persists
like stridulating crickets,
raising eyebrows,
eliciting groans.
Bullish, its tongue
tramples bare-headed facts,
and dodges carpets
of moss-capped moans.
Like eager talons
snatching herring
from the sea,
its fictions expunge
and loot.
Beware the strut
usurping the truth—
its comb sports a blade
and its claw a boot.
Barbara Reynolds‘s poems have appeared in Pangyrus, Avocet, What Rough Beast, Muddy River Poetry Review, and The Somerville Times, as well as in several anthologies. She is a retired math professor living in Somerville, Massachusetts.
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