Diana Goetsch, David McLoghlin, Sarah Van Arsdale
Diana Goetsch is the author of several poetry collections, most recently In America (2017, Rattle) and Nameless Boy (2015, Orchises Press), and she is also a literary journalist. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The American Scholar, the L.A. Times and the Chicago Tribune. She is the recipient of fellowships from the NEA, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and The New School, where she was the 2017 Grace Paley Teaching Fellow.
David McLoghlin is the author of Waiting for Saint Brendan and Other Poems (2012) and Santiago Sketches (2017), both published by Salmon Poetry, as well as the chapbook The Magic Door (Blue Canary Press, Milwaukee, 1993). Sign Tongue, his translation of poems by Chilean poet Enrique Winter, won the Goodmorning Menagerie 2014 Chapbook-in-Translation Contest. McLoghlin is also one of three contributors to Suns, a chapbook of Winter’s poems in translation (Cardboard House Press, 2017). He holds an MFA in Poetry from New York University, where he was a Teaching Fellow, and has received recognition from the Ireland Arts Council, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize and Poetry Ireland. His writing has been broadcast on WNYC’s Radiolab, and published in journals including Poetry Ireland Review, Barrow Street, The Stinging Fly, Cimarron Review, The Moth magazine, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Wolf and Poetry International.
Sarah Van Arsdale is an award-winning author of four books of fiction, including Toward Amnesia (1996, Riverhead Books), Grand Isle (SUNY Press, 2012) and In Case of Emergency, Break Glass (QFP, 2016). Her fifth book, The Catamount, a narrative poem illustrated with her watercolors, was published in 2017 by Nomadic Press. She teaches at NYU and in the Antioch/LA low-residency MFA program, and she leads writing workshops in Mexico, with Maine Media, and with Art Workshop International. sarahvanarsdale.com