Veronica Golos
I Am A Spy In The House of Cold
There is hallelujah. Yes, somewhere inside my middle ear, the flame of it, flamingo colored, and I default, I trace in sand, plume into something else. I am ox and oyster, yes, between mouth and tongue I am. I throw my rage outward, it’s neon, lunatic, a kink in the mind. Oh buffer me, I am safe in the lichen, the needled woods. I walk, and walk, and walk, and seem to never turn back. Never.
Veronica Golos is the author of three books of poetry: A Bell Buried Deep (Storyline Press), to be re issued by Tupelo Press; Vocabulary of Silence (Red Hen Press), and Rootwork (3:A Taos Press). She is the co editor of the Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, and Poetry Editor for the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. She lives in New Mexico with her husband, writer David Perez.