Transition: Poems in the Afterglow | 11 28 20 | Rodney Terich Leonard

Rodney Terich Leonard
To Tremble With Questions

Of late, I clasp merciless pressure
To ballads & funk, to music—

Upon the arias & Herbie Hancock
Blossom Dearie & 1960s Mahalia

And Sam Cooke:
“Somebody Ease My Troublin’ Mind.”

A text from toothsome times
Isn’t as forever as gripping a hand.

This pandemic of eyeless encounters
Disesteemed the elegant farewell.

To gut the harp from tunes
That dotted our love

Subdues the palate & the hours.
Pinned to circumstance—

Ghost in a pile of pennies
Mime for me some slant of adieu.

My moan is the sound of faith
Upwards of gut.

No nurse or doctor explains the substitute
For a final spoon of honey on the tongue.

—Submitted on 11/26/2020

Rodney Terich Leonard is the author of Sweetgum & Lightning (Four Way Books, 2021). His poems have appeared in BOMBFour Way ReviewSouthern Humanities ReviewThe Cortland Review, HIV Here & Now, and other journals. A Callaloo poetry fellow, he holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia University and lives in Manhattan.

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