What Rough Beast | 06 20 20 | Kendra Nuttall

Kendra Nuttall
Where We’re Going

American is not a religion, but bible
verses are written on our soda cups.

God is In-N-Out / is Forever 21 / is a roadside
billboard somewhere south of Normal,

Illinois. Where are you going?
Heaven or Hell? The anti-masker says

I’m going to hell. Politics are not a sport,
but team spirit is what keeps us alive.

My cousin, #blessherheart, wrote:
#coronavirusruinslives in response to:

“My fav all u can eat place
isn’t doing all u can eat anymore.”

I want to tell her what it’s like to lose
someone you love. It’s like a buffet

shutting down, but forever.
It’s like a pandemic, but permanent.

It’s like the suffocating heat of a mask,
but you can never get rid of the sweat.

I want to tell her #coronaviruskills
but the message will never make it through

our socially distanced feeds.
American is a religion and politics are sport

and we’re on opposite teams.
Where are you going?

—Submitted on 06/19/2020

Kendra Nuttall‘s work has appeared in Spectrum Literary Journal, Capsule Stories, Califragile, Chiron Review, Maudlin House, and other journals, as well as in the anthology Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus Volume Two edited by G.A. Cuddy and Liz Kobak as a benefit for Doctors Without Borders and Partners In Health. Nuttall lives in Utah with her husband and poodle.

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