What Rough Beast | 07 24 20 | Rayssa Pinheiro

Rayssa Pinheiro
Year of the Repetition

I live in a world of my own. I make my surroundings what they are and I adapt accordingly. I place much too much into far too little. And here we are, sad and disappointed seeing the word is crumbling. We can’t hide behind the veils that once existed. We see our world for what it is: full of flaws and full of broken promises. We see individuals lying and promising things they cannot deliver. But we stay here because we have no choice. We wake up every day for our children, our spouses, ourselves. Here, where every day is like the last day and happiness is a harder and harder commodity to find. Everyone maintains a 2-meter distance out of fear as this pandemic lives on and we live less.

—Submitted on 07/01/2020

Rayssa Pinheiro is a Brazilian-American POC poet living in California. She holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and an MSc in psychology from the University of Essex.

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