Chad Parenteau
DNC Tankas
Bernie Sanders Jesus Tanka, Take Three Say it one more time. Bernie Sanders Jesus has died. He has risen. He will never run again. He will never run again. Obama Jesus Tanka With all in awe and hashtagging #mymessiah Obama Jesus performs the same miracle of simply not being worst. Joe Biden Jesus Tanka Joe Biden Jesus moved aside his own grave’s stone, came into the light, found himself a flaming sword, hoped he knew how to use it.
AOC Jesus Tanka AOC Jesus only have seven stations of the cr
Robert Trump Jesus Tanka Robert Trump Jesus. His cross has eighteen stations. His older brother played golf through each one of them, left before the ascension.
—Submitted on 08/21/2020
Chad Parenteau is the author of The Collapsed Bookshelf (Tell-Tale Chapbooks, 2020) and Patron Emeritus (FootHills Publishing, 2013). His poems have appeared in Résonancee, Boston Literary Magazine, Queen Mob’s Tea-House, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, and other journals. He is associate editor of Oddball Magazine and hosts the Stone Soup Poetry series in Boston. Online at
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