What Rough Beast | 09 15 20 | Rijan Britanicus Acharya

Rijan Britanicus Acharya
Impulse of Hope

I hopped in terrace and caught a bird
its wings were as in storm of liberty,
like thrush it flooded a trail of notes.

I caressed wings soft feathers toiling
like clouds. The sweetness served me
As it flew when I left my desires with it.

It swept suspending like an arch
Or those waves of the warm seas
Intersecting the undermined sun.

My case of vision I leased it
It measured the blueness of reddish skies
Projecting like an angel of old reciters.

My edge of soul tied in its feather
I am claiming the spectrum spread.
I have no strain of being here.

—Submitted on 09/12/2020

Rijan Britanicus Acharya is a Nepali poet whose work appears in the biannual journal Of Nepalese Clay. He work as a tutor.

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