What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 03 21 20

Emi Bergquist
While We Recover

In quarantine, the Forget-Me-Nots
blossom a grey-fade

as a quiet slow fills
the empty ravines of city streets.

Alone in a canyon, a voice will echo—
a voice will find its chorus:

Meanwhile in Italy, isolation has brought
people together, singing from their balconies.

Adaptability becomes
our survival —

the window
cracked open, beckoning

the early spring morning
breeze inside.

Emi Bergquist is a poet, performer, and mixed media artist originally from Idaho. Her work often explores the intersection of identity, sexuality, nature, love, and loss. She has lived in Brooklyn since 2015, is an active associate of the Poetry Society of New York, a regular cast member of The Poetry Brothel, and an editor of Milk Press Books.

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