What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 05 15 20 | Diana Feiger

Diana Feiger
Bad Wrap

Tyrant King
Spiked crown 29 proteins
Ruthless Invader
Viral recipe maker
Copy machine
Encapsulating team
Hidden military regime
At the heart of the scene
Protein snapper
Bubble wrapper
Signal blocker
No cell doctor
Bubble maker
New parts shaper
Virus liberator
Signal proofreader
Cell saboteur
Protein scissor
RNA snipper
Escape artist
Pokes holes sharpest
Untagging and cutting
Loose bits to go working
Oily bubble wrap
Causes great mishap
Some have it unseen
“A virus is a piece of bad news wrapped in protein”
they wrote in 1977

—Submitted on 

Diana Feiger‘s poems have appeared in Forum Magazine and Poetry Expressed, as well as in the anthology From the Well of Living Waters: Voices of a 21st Century Synagogue (Kehilla Community Synagogue, 2011), edited by Lenore Weiss. Feiger grew up in Sandwich, UK, lives in Oakland, Calif., and is a retired teacher.

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