What Rough Beast | Poem for April 22, 2019

Tim J. Nelson

the routine is ritual —
getting at the root
is not a truth we want

the radical
is no square root
equations all equal

to the action’s reaction
we love those we must
to let go is to honor dust

the river will go on
to the sea chemical
imbalance from all the greed

the sun gives without
expectation though
some expect more

the oceans provide all
yet not enough to net

those unaware of metaphor
hyperbole might not see
a full reality

react to the reactions
new and recycled distractions

Poems by Tim J. Nelson have appeared in Cholla Needles, Poets’ Ink, Grub Street, and Yes, Poetry. Nelson holds a master’s degree in writing from Towson University. In addition to freelance writing, he teaches college composition in Maryland. Nelson writes essays and reviews for PopMatters.com and South85 Journal.  For more information, visit timjnelson.jimdo.com.

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