What Rough Beast | Poem for April 30, 2018

Marjorie Moorhead
Tragedy Triolet
where were you when the bombs dropped?

I was watching PBS, when the bombs were dropped.
A show about music, which spoke to my heart.
Little did I know, much-pried Pandora’s Box-lid had popped.
I was watching a tv show when the bombs were dropped.
Pillowed surroundings quiet, normal; nothing routine had stopped.
On the show, poet-singer protest-warriors strumming their art.
I danced; snapped fingers at my screen, not yet knowing bombs were dropped.
Marvin Gaye, Dylan, Garcia’s music spoke to my heart.



Marjorie Moorhead writes from the border of NH/VT where she tries for a daily observant walk. Her poetry can be seen in two anthologies: A Change of Climate (2017, edited by Sam Illingworth and Dan Simpson, benefitting the Environmental Justice Foundation), and Birchsong: Poetry Centered in VT, Vol.II (2018, edited by Alice Wolf Gilborn, et al., The Blueline Press). She’s had many poems online at sites from Indolent Books (What Rough Beast; HIV Here & Now), Rising Phoenix Review, to Sheila-Na-Gig. Forthcoming is a chapbook from Finishing Line Press.

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