What Rough Beast | Poem for August 13, 2019

Margo Davis

Why make memories
when every incident in my head
	  not exactly 

how I see things 
but precise and unique in the way 
my world is 
		   solely mine, 

defined by what 
makes me both sigh and laugh at  
crass disaster 
		       befalling Daphnia, 

a common water flea 
unable to resist Utricularia, 
a swaying lush  
		         water flower 

that flaunts its rapture
to imprison naïve prey. Daphnia probes 
with antennae 
		        and digests

her dilemma. Eaten 
by an acidic rootless flytrap, 
a commoner,

Poems by Margo Davis have appeared in Ekphrastic Review, Ocotillo Review, The Fourth River, Misfit, Light, Houston Chronicle, and San Antonio Express, among others. Her work has appeared in several anthologies including Enchantment of the Ordinary (Mutabilis Press, 2019), edited by John Gorman; Echoes of the Cordillera: Attitudes and Latitudes Along the Great Divide (Museum of the Big Bend, 2018), edited by Lucy Griffith and Sandi Stromberg; and Untameable City: Poems on the Nature of Houston (Mutabilis Press, 2015), edited by Sandi Stromberg. 

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