What Rough Beast | Poem for December 1, 2017

Fay L. Loomis
Winter Madness Trumped


Witchs’ fingernails scrape the edge of the sky
Wind howls through hoary caverns
Goblin’s feet relentlessly drub the earth

Laser of light pierces
the fury of wintry madness


Persistent cold winds
sequitur deadly summer heat
Steeled arms reach for pussy hats

At the ready to march, one voice,
beacon fulgent in the darkness


Fay L. Loomis’s poems have appeared in Postcard Poems and ProseHealing Power of the Imagination Journal, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & HealingTributaries, The Fourth River, First Literary Review–East, Halcyon Days, A Quiet Courage, and Soul-Lit. Loomis lives in upstate New York and is a member of the Stone Ridge Library Writers.

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