What Rough Beast | Poem for January 10, 2019

Judith Skillman
Above the Law

Allow Lady Justice, Justitia,
wears the blindness of impartiality,
that the Egyptian scribe’s heart is weighed
against the feather of truth. Allow a set
of scales, a blindfold, and a sword. Who else
never favors the rich or the poor,
the strong nor the weak? Mr. President,
the evidence you have given stands

on its own. Set your lawyers the task
of explanation. Tell them what to say,
as you tell your crime family, allies
all—it is your title sets you apart.
Still, does the Lady’s sword gives you a case
of nerves? Justice can be swift and final.



Judith Skillman is is the author of Premise of Light (Tebot Bach, 2018). Her poems have appeared in Shenandoah, Seneca Review, Cimarron Review, Zyzzyva, and other journals. She is the recipient of grants from Artist Trust and the Academy of American Poets. She is a faculty member at Richard Hugo House in Seattle, Washington.

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