What Rough Beast | Poem for January 6, 2019

J. Bradley
Curry Ford and Bumby, 1994: Orlando, FL

(Class Secretary) Minotaur’s adopted father pushes an open pack of cigarettes towards him. A book of matches are entombed beneath the cellophane. All of them, his adopted father says. (Class Secretary) Minotaur regrets being caught smoking in the boys bathroom. He tried explaining it was his way of fitting in but his adopted father slapped the words out of his mouth before they came out. (Class Secretary) Minotaur takes out a cigarette and the matches, As he lights the cigarette, he thinks of ways of hurting his adopted father for breaking his promise of never laying a hand on him.



J. Bradley’s most recent books include No More Stories About The Moon (Lucky Bastard Press, 2016), The Adventures of Jesus Christ, Boy Detective (Pelekinesis, 2016), and Pick How You Will Revise A Memory (Robocup Press, 2016). His poems have appeared in decomPHobart, and Prairie Schooner, among other journals. He was the Interviews Editor of PANK, the Flash Fiction Editor of NAP, and the Web Editor of Monkeybicycle. He received his MFA in Writing from Lindenwood University.

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