What Rough Beast | Poem for July 18, 2018

Walter Holland

is the brutal breaking apart of
tenacious fact, and the dese-
cration of embodied beliefs

found in phrases such as “rule
of law,” “transparency,” “due
process” each necessary to

internally sustain the body politic.
First, removal of the heart may drain
reason, though it cannot evis-

cerate all truth, or dissolve away
the flesh of thinking, or gouge out the clarity of
vision. Shorn words, though severed

from the tongue, and speech, though gutted
from the mouth, can never fully destroy
the evidence found on the printed page.



Walter Holland, PhD, is the author of three books of poetry: A Journal of the Plague Years: Poems 1979-1992 (Magic City Press, 1992), Transatlantic (Painted Leaf Press, 2001), and Circuit(Chelsea Station Editions, 2010) as well as a novel, The March (Masquerade Books, 1996 and Chelsea Station Editions 2011). His work has appeared in The Antioch Review, HazMat, Redivider, Rhino, and other journals and anthologies. He writes book reviews for LambdaLiterary.org and Pleiades. Follow him at: walterhollandwriter.com.

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