What Rough Beast | Poem for March 14, 2019

John Martino
Square One

Humpty Dumpty shat out a wall.
Thick as a prick ‘cause his hands
are too small. Divided we stand,
united we fall. Someday a hard

rain will undo us all. Half the people
have egg for brains. The other half
hate men. Impossible to put it
together again. One pawn to another,

for what it’s worth. Snowball’s chance
on heated Earth. Oh, ye of liberal
faith. Meet the neocon, same as
the old con. I’m so left—I’m gone!

John Martino‘s poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, HEArt Online, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, and the anthology Envy, Vol. 6 from a 7-volume series on the 7 deadly sins by Pure Slush Books. He has worked as a teacher and tutor of English for 22 years. An avid traveler, Martino currently resides in Hong Kong with his wife, Shelley.

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