Chad Parenteau
Resistance Tankas, Reel 13
Nathaniel Woods Jesus Tanka
Many people die
for sins of other people.
It even happens
when it’s not election y—
Lindsey Graham Jesus Tanka
Lindsey Graham Jesus
prefers a laying of law
on unemployed, sick,
having them rise from their beds
hanging up from their bootstraps.
Spring Breaker Jesus Tanka
Spring Breaker Jesus
died yesterday, came right back
just three days later.
No one is invincible,
but Spring Break is forever.
Chloroquine Jesus Tanka
Chloroquine Jesus
will send you straight to voicemail.
Chloroquine Jesus
denies any followers.
Don’t ask him for miracles.
Easter Jesus Tanka
Same as every year,
Easter Jesus stays inside,
bunkered down in tomb,
waiting until world is cured
of affliction known as man.
Deep State Jesus Tanka
The president points,
asks, Are you Deep State Jesus?
I just said you were!
President points randomly,
asks, Are you Deep State Jesus?
Anthony Fauci Jesus Tanka
As a last resort,
Anthony Fauci Jesus
laid own hands on self.
He fears it will not save him
from a final ascension.
Chad Parenteau is the author of Patron Emeritus (FootHills Publishing, 2013). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Tell-Tale Inklings, Queen Mob’s Tea House, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Ibbetson Street, Molecule, and Résonance. He serves as associate editor of Oddball Magazine and hosts the venerable Stone Soup Poetry series in Boston. His second full-length collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, is forthcoming.
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