What Rough Beast | Poem for November 29, 2018

Marjorie Moorhead
The Rain and the Flower

After: The Dew and the Bird by Alexander Posey (1873-1908; Muscogee Creek)

There is more song in a raindrop,
That is but one of so many,
Than there is in an orchestra’s playing
For those accustomed to luxury.

There’s more sweetness found in a field
Where, in the company of thistles and bees,
Grows a wild, delicate flower, than in all
The sugar used for fancy buns of sweet patisseries.

Yet those who’s vision narrows, to follow goldbricks’ shimmer,
And who’s road lures them to worship only treasure,
Are missing each drop’s rainbow, and the wild-growing
Flower’s simple, vibrant, perennial pleasure.


Marjorie Moorhead writes from the border of NH/VT where she tries for a daily observant walk. Her poetry can be seen in two anthologies: A Change of Climate (2017, edited by Sam Illingworth and Dan Simpson, benefitting the Environmental Justice Foundation), and Birchsong: Poetry Centered in VT, Vol.II (2018, edited by Alice Wolf Gilborn, et al., The Blueline Press). She’s had many poems online at sites from Indolent Books (What Rough Beast; HIV Here & Now), Rising Phoenix Review, to Sheila-Na-Gig. Forthcoming is a chapbook from Finishing Line Press.

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