What Rough Beast | Poem for September 20, 2018

Chad Parenteau
Tom Brady Jesus

Tom Brady Jesus
lauded the last supper
as a team effort.

Tom Brady Jesus
holds balls soft enough
to not give him stigmata.

Tom Brady Jesus
can’t be our savior
if he keeps passing on the cross.

Tom Brady Jesus
wants one more time
in the temples, one more ring
from the moneylenders.

Tom Brady Jesus
wants you to keep his
prayers to ourselves
in his gridiron chapel.

Tom Brady Jesus
wants you to stand
for all four quarters.

Chad Parenteau is the author of Patron Emeritus, released in 2013 by FootHills Publishing. His work has appeared in Tell-Tale Inklings, What Rough Beast, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Ibbetson Street, and Wilderness House Literary Review. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine. His second full-length collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, is forthcoming.

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