What Rough Beast | Poem for September 23, 2017

David Walby
What Little Time

I pray to my god,
it may not be your god, but I pray to my god.

The things we call sacred are all different,
what I call sacred is not what you call sacred,
for we are all different,
we are individuals.

My family is sacred to me,
but maybe not yours.
I believe in one god,
perhaps you believe in three,
but what does it matter if we do not agree.
Are we not all people of our own likes,
do people not disagree?

For what does it matter if I believe in heaven,
and you believe in Nirvana,
an afterlife is an afterlife wherever it is.
Why fight each other now while where in the same place, about where we might be tomorrow.
Life is too short for all this bickering.

Let us be brothers and sisters, and to not think of what comes ahead,
only the now.
Let the black and white merge into gray,
let the social class crumble around us,
and let us all be free.
Agree to disagree and let us be together while we can.

I may be autistic and you may be black, what does it matter?
We are people, and people are people, regardless of color, race gender, and any other sort of boundary.
The rich and the poor,
the black and the white,
the nice and the mean,
the honest and the liars,
the beautiful and the ugly,
let us be one in what little time we have left on this Earth.


David Walby is a 15 year old Autistic author and poet that is based in Indiana. He hopes to use his writing to improve the world as a whole and show people that Autism isn’t something to be ashamed of.

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